Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The original pictures I used in my Final

I liked how they I ended up fitting them. The cat was the one that didnt quite come out as expressive in my final piece as she was in the original picture. She's like the neighbor's or something but I feed her sometimes and so she always busts in the back door when I open it so one day on a project break I opened the door to go outside and she busted in. I grabbed my camera and a piece of ham and went out to the porch to take some shots of her and while i was reviewing them I seen the picture and how she looked mad as shit about me photographing her when after all she was a single mother trying to get by on minimum wage or something like that. The hands I reconstructed with with copy and paste and paint. What I really like about my final project is although I have a whole bunch of junk cobbled in there it's not too cluttered theres some open space and everything is toned down into place.

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